Building the next generation of natural systems for the treatment of
wastewaters and the remediation of degraded water bodies

At Todd Ecological Design we approach each project as a custom design, working from first principles to evaluate goals and opportunities and create a treatment system that responds to the local context and the clients’ needs. We collaborate with our clients and other design professionals to take a project from conceptual planning all the way through to construction and operation.
On a typical project we provide complete design and engineering for the treatment system and work with architects and landscape architects on the aesthetic and layout of these systems. For complex reuse cases MEPs are involved with the integration of mechanical systems into existing buildings. Local Civil Engineers may assist with site planning. We work with closely with our clients and the design team throughout the regulatory process. Eco-Machines have been used successfully to achieve the living building challenge, address Net Zero goals and achieve LEED credits.
Examples of typical projects include:
Onsite wastewater treatment
We provide custom ecological system for the treatment of domestic wastewater. Eco-Machines have been used as living classrooms and focal points for campuses with sustainability goals. These systems make best use of valuable water resources and protect the natural environment. Effluent can be treated to a standard suitable for non-potable reuse and, depending on local regulation, used for irrigation and toilet flushing.
Upgrading existing lagoon systems
In many cases existing wastewater or storage lagoons can be enhanced using ecological technologies to provide increased nutrient removal and treatment capacity. An Ecological lagoon upgrade can help with solids management and should be considered for any existing lagoon faced with increased use or regulatory requirements.

Rehabilitation of water bodies
During the last 150 years urbanization, agriculture, deforestation and manufacturing have profoundly altered the health and character of natural water bodies throughout the US and around the globe. Our in situ remediation systems, called Restorers, can jumpstart the ecology of a water body, digest sediments and reduce nutrient levels, bringing the water body back into ecological health. They can also serve as habitat for wildlife and as a recreational amenity within a community.
National Audubon Society, Naples, Florida
Sir Richard Branson – Virgin Atlantic, Ultraway Holdings
The Four Seasons Resort, Kona, Hawaii
The Town of Grafton Massachusettes
City of Dallas, Texas
Peace and Plenty Resort, Great Exuma, The Bahamas
- City of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China
- The Omega Center, Rhinebeck, New York
The State of Vermont
Berea College, Berea, Kentucky
City of South Burlington, South Burlington, Vermont
City of Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
City of San Francisco, California
Darrow School, New Lebanon, New York
Ethel M Chocolates, Henderson, Nevada